måndag 29 juli 2013


I decided that I would try making some "potions". I used soda and food coloring and mixed it all together until I got the color I wanted. Then I just went outside and got some blackcurrants, leaves from the blackcurrants and wild strawberries, then I got some cloudberries and blueberries out of the freezer and put them in the bottles! :) I haven't decided what kind of "potion" each of them are yet, so we'll see about that. Anyways, here's the results:

(Click on the pictures to make them bigger)

RED POTION: Wild strawberries, soda, red food coloring

BLUE POTION: Blueberries, soda, blue food coloring

GREEN POTION: Blackcurrents leaves, soda, green food coloring

YELLOW POTION: Cloudberries, soda, yellow food coloring

RED/ORANGE POTION: Cloudberries, soda, red and yellow food coloring

PURPLE POTION (looks more purple irl): Blackcurrents, soda, red and blue food coloring

That's all of them!
Hope you got some ideas or... something..

Smell ya later~

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