måndag 29 juli 2013


I decided that I would try making some "potions". I used soda and food coloring and mixed it all together until I got the color I wanted. Then I just went outside and got some blackcurrants, leaves from the blackcurrants and wild strawberries, then I got some cloudberries and blueberries out of the freezer and put them in the bottles! :) I haven't decided what kind of "potion" each of them are yet, so we'll see about that. Anyways, here's the results:

(Click on the pictures to make them bigger)

RED POTION: Wild strawberries, soda, red food coloring

BLUE POTION: Blueberries, soda, blue food coloring

GREEN POTION: Blackcurrents leaves, soda, green food coloring

YELLOW POTION: Cloudberries, soda, yellow food coloring

RED/ORANGE POTION: Cloudberries, soda, red and yellow food coloring

PURPLE POTION (looks more purple irl): Blackcurrents, soda, red and blue food coloring

That's all of them!
Hope you got some ideas or... something..

Smell ya later~

söndag 28 juli 2013

Long Time No See~

Okay so from now on I'm going to post (mostly) stuff about cosplay, anime, music etc... I'm still going to post about my life but it'll probably be what music I listen to and animes i watch and sometimes pictures of me and my friends when we cosplay. I really hope you'll like it and I really hope that this will make me more interested in blogging. Because, as you may have seen, I haven't posted anything for pretty long (Btw, I'm so sorry for that ^^") and that's just because there's nothing really to write about. I like to keep my personal life to myself and my family and friends and not write about it online. When I really feel like I want to post something about my personal life I'm going to do that...
But as I said, hopefully this'll make me more interested in posting more.
As some of you know I do vlogs and covers and I'm going to keep doing that as long as I can. But I'm not going to post my vlogs here until I'm more confident about doing it. I might post the video I made with my boyfriend, but it's in swedish and I'm too lazy to make subtitles so only some people will be able to know what we're saying xD

Anyways, this was kind of a update-post just to let people know what they're going to see on here.
Hope you'll like it and I'll see you soooonnnn~~

              *Picture I took after I made my new video*

onsdag 10 juli 2013