fredag 9 augusti 2013


Sooooo, I haven't been writing for a couple of days now so I have a few things to write about now.
First of, last week me and my dad bought a giant black painting canvas that I started painting on as fast as we got home, I desided that I wanted to paint a dragon and first I was thinking of pinting Alduin (from Skyrim), but then I realised that the canvas was black and Alduin is grey so he probably wouldn't show. Then I desided I was going to paint a big chinese dragon surrounded by cheery trees. And I did.
Heres some pictures of it :)

(Click the pictures to make it bigger)

My Sketch;

When it was done;

There it is c:
What do you think?
Then, the day I were done with it my friend Gustav and my boyfriend Filip came to my house and we made dinner (♥tacos♥) and then we watched horror movies and played Xbox360 until 4-5 in the morning. :D
~LINK TO INSTAGRAM VIDEO OF ME, FILIP(tall guy) AND GUSTAV(the guy in glasses)~

Other than that I've made cupcakes :D

And I've slept at my boyfriends house monday-thursday and we made my intro to my new gaming channel :D But I won't put it up here until I'm confident enough for it^^"

But, that's all. I just recorded another video with Gustav and now I'm gonna go get my chips and dip and keep watching youtube videos :)
Smell ya later~

                           "Omg, I'm upside down"